Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The League of Unexceptional Children (by Gitty Daneshvari)

Publication Date: October 2015

SYNOPSIS: Are you average? Normal? Forgettable? If so, the League of Unexceptional Children is for you! This first book in a hilarious new adventure series is for anyone who's struggled to be noticed in a sea of above-average overachievers. What is the League of Unexceptional Children? I'm glad you asked. You didn't ask? Well, you would have eventually and I hate to waste time. The League of Unexceptional Children is a covert network that uses the nation's most average, normal, and utterly unexceptional children as spies. Why the average kids? Why not the brainiacs? Or the beauty queens? Or the jocks? It's simple: People remember them. But not the unexceptionals. They are the forgotten ones. Until now!

THOUGHTS: This is an interesting premise, and I thought Daneshvari delivered. It was laugh out loud funny at times, which is a rarity for me. The quotes at the beginning of each chapter are a riot. The two main characters, Shelley and Jonathan, are quirky and their interactions are funny. I honestly thought it was very entertaining, and a mystery to boot! I'm sure you could poke holes in the plot if you really tried, but why would you? It is a fun book and easy to book talk; plus, it's tailor-made for reluctant readers. So far, I know of three kids who have read it and all of them have loved it. This might be one of those books adults don't get, but kids enjoy.

CARTWHEEL AWARD NOMINEE?: Leaning towards yes, but I'm withholding final judgment to see if something better in this vein comes out.

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